Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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I performed my PhD thesis about the evolutionary patterns of arctic species of Artemisia and the biogeography of the arctic flora in space and time. Since then I am interested for evolution and biodiversity of vascular plants. I work on mostly large, widely distributed and characteristic genera of the northern temperate flora. My studied genera are Artemisia, Micranthes, Pedicularis, Ranunculus and Saxifraga.

Currently, I work on the migration routes, phylogeography and speciation of Saxifraga in the Tibetian Plateau, the Caucasus and other high mountain regions of Eurasia. I study the evolution of steppe and arctic plants, their origin, distribution and glacial refugia in Eurasia. I am interested in population genomics of disjunctly distributed threatened species and in evolution and phylogeny of the temperate grasses. Botanical history and herbarium collection-based studies are also an important part of my scientific interests.

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